Blog Post

The 90-Day Video Marketing Challenge: What It Is, Why I Did It & How It Helps

Eric Evenstad • Sep 09, 2018

90 days ago I accepted a challenge to create one video per day for 90 days.

Prior to starting this challenge, I had minimal experience with videos. I had recorded a few tutorial videos, but never anything where I had to be on camera and certainly nothing that I wanted to share with the world.

In fact, when I started this challenge, the thought of looking into a camera lens and hitting record was absolutely terrifying.

I was nervous because I'm an introvert and I don't necessarily have the gift of gab plus I'm a bit of a perfectionist.

Which meant I'd be forced to watch as I stumbled my way through videos and then I'd have to hit Publish and share that imperfect piece of work with the world.

Watching the first few weeks of videos was darn right painful. The ums, the ahs, the ramblings, the weird facial expressions - I cringe just thinking about it.

But slowly, I started to get better at creating these videos.

I learned how to think and speak on the fly with the camera rolling. I learned how to share my knowledge in a clear and concise manner. I learned how to take action in spite of fear. I became more disciplined - because that's the #1 thing you need when you agree to do 90 straight days of videos.

All of these things have made me a better entrepreneur, a better marketer, and a better person.

And if that wasn't enough, I now have 90 days worth of high-value videos that were created specifically for my target market.

With these videos, I'll be able to help thousands of entrepreneurs who want to grow their business on a budget.

Plus, my website visitors and social media followers have increased tenfold - which means more trust, more influence, more prospects and more sales.

There were many days where I regretted my decision to do the 90-day video marketing challenge, but looking back on it now, I can honestly say it's one of the most impactful things I've ever done as an entrepreneur.

With that, I want to encourage you to start the 90-day challenge.

Commit to creating content for 90 straight days. I loved video but you can do whatever type of content you like. If you're a writer, do blog posts. If you're a behind-the-scenes talker, do podcasts.

It doesn't matter what it is, the key is to take action and get comfortable being uncomfortable.

Good luck!




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